Day 2 of retail done and far, far, far less sales than last time I was here. The first four hours the crowd was completely different from Friday. 2nd four hours was a more engaging crowd.
P.S. None of the be-backers showed up today. Maybe tomorrow.
Day 1 of retail is done. 10 hours and better sales than last time I was here. Many people leaving the booth saying "I'll be back". After a while I thought Arnold Schwarzenegger was in the booth. Had terrific booth neighbors that helped get through the long day.
I also managed to get several referrals from local people for resturants serving quality crab cakes.
Ody and I were in the setup line by 8:30AM on Wednesday. I wanted to be the first one in line but missed it by a few vehicles. Nonetheless we were escorted in to my booth right about 9:00AM. I commenced to unload.
The drive went smoothly to the first stop over. Starting out in a fresh dump of snow.
The drive through Chicago was quick. Before I knew, Indiana was in front of me.
Ody is loaded, my gear is packed and loaded, the Garmin is programmed, E-ZPass is in place. It appears all is ready for the trip to Baltimore. I am hoping for courteous drivers, clear roads, and no drama.
My bride is sending me off with a very good meal and some treats. I wish she could come along.
Still lovin' my '67 Powermatic 66. My company's restoration department did a fine job getting it into like-new condition without damaging the original patina. The whole department deserves a trip somewhere warm as a reward for this fine job.
Another fond memory from the Baltimore show during the early 80's. One evening, after a busy day of selling, about a dozen craftspeoples crowded into a van and were driven to a crab house deep in the Baltimore neighborhoods. It was supposed to be the best one in town. Imagine all of us sitting on the crowded steel floor of a cargo van not being able to see the dark world whiz by outside. Arrival came after a bumpy ride and we were greeted by the colorful lights of the resturant.
Back in the early 80's there was a custom, in my booth, of putting a small slip of paper inside one of my boxes with this written on it, "This box is free".
The new desk for the baltimore show is now finished and photographed. It will be exciting to see how the public reacts to it. This desk and its sibling have bunches of refinements I have dreamt about since the last ones were made three years ago.
Today I learned that I can get a permit to cut some small White Oak trees in the Kettle Moraine State Forest—Southern Unit. According to my research the best time to cut is in the spring. Unfortunately, here in Wisconsin, the oak wilt disease is a huge problem. To help control its spread, no cutting of any oak tree is allowed from April through July. Now that is a catch 22.