
Introducing 2015-7, a new take on an old design.

This cabinet was inspired by another cabinet I made many years ago (shown below).  I created that cabinet for my young bride, Kathy, but it was sold soon after completion.  In those days these things happened. 


I usually get my graphite canvas from  But it is available from many other places.  Googling will find it.

Practically Free

As time marches on, certain items I designed and made have remained unsold.  These are all made by my hand alone and of the finest materials.  They are ideas that interested me and presented a particular challange at the time.  They have been shown around the country at the finest shows receiving accolades and compliments.  And yet they remain in my storage area.  

Introducing 2015-5, A Custom Cabinet On Stand

HVLP Turbine Gives Up The Ghost

I have to ask you, my readers, why do these things happen when they do?

Black Saturday Furniture Sale

There are just a few hours left to take part in the best sale of this year.  For that matter, the only sale this year.  Get your foot in the door of prideful ownership of a beautiful piece of whimsical furniture.  Made entirely by me in my studio workshop.  Happy New Year, almost.

Black Saturday Furniture Sale

I am offering my inventory of furniture for an unprecedented 25% discount.  This offer starts on 2014/12/20 and continues until midnight on 2014/12/31.  Pickup is available along with various delivery/shipping options, customer paid.

Please use the Contact link to dsicuss your wishes.  Thanks for looking.


2014 Columbus Winterfair

2014 Columbus Winterfair, my 15th year exhibiting at this show since my first time in 1978.  I am always excited to be going and seeing all the other exhibitors and attendees.  Just as the travel day was ending a glorious sunset presented itself for all to admire.





Obituary -

Six years ago I put up the website to represent my encore career in fine craft furniture making.  It detailed my previous career in this field as well as displaying current works and schedules.  I wrote the code myself using HTML, PHP, and MySQL.  It was custom fit to my needs and was a bear to maintain.  I have allowed that website and it's domain name to expire earlier this week. It ran from March, 2008 , for six years of my new life. I have changed to a much simpler site now. 

The 14th Day

Today was the fourteenth day of my trip.  I spent it driving the width of Pennsylvania and a bit of Ohio toward home.  I managed to go through four tunnels as well.  As I am putting this blog bit together I am real tired so this will be short.  Here are some tunnel pictures.  I missed the first tunnel.



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